Friday, May 30, 2008

Redo- A New Concept

My friend, Lauren came by the other day. I was friends with her mom, Suzanne first, but Lauren and I have developed our own friendship of equals. I remember when she was born that it took her parents three months to name her. And Lauren was the first of the next generation to pass me on her outgrown clothing. She is now twenty six and living the kind of life that you would want for someone you love. Sitting in my studio with her mom and I, Lauren tells how her long term boyfriend asked her to marry him. It seems as though his first attempt, undermined by his runaway enthusiasm, was a bit lacking. Lauren offered him a "redo". And so, the next day he asks as if for the first time, perfectly.
What if we all did this for the people in our own lives? What if we had that option ourselves?
What harm would there be in saying, "This did not work out as I envisioned. May I have a "redo' "? We could then go on to undo the negative action and leave a more positive one in it's place. I have seen the future and it includes "redo's" for all!
Blog On!


Darcys Knotty Knitter said...

I agree those times you tried to be helpful but it was taken wrong.Would like redo's on those times in my life:)Darcy

Unknown said...

I'd like to have a "redo" on the past month....