Friday, January 21, 2011

My Work at Vogue Knitting Live! Booth #1500

Thank you Chris from for making space at your booth in Americas Hall 1 at the Hilton in NYC. Chris said to mention that there are two halls on two different floors so make sure that if you get there you see the whole show.
There is nothing like the creative energy at these shows. First there is the array of fantastic fiber arts products. It is not uncommon for me to develop an interest in something to which I was previously indifferent due to seeing a display. Then there is the endless parade of creations on attendees and show personnel as well. As I like to say, "This is the only situation that you can fondle the garment of a stranger and not end up in jail!"
Check out the show's site at
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Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Balsams Grand Hotel Revisited

It is only fitting that my last post was about RoseAnn's and my time at The Balsams Grand Resort Hotel and my next entry shows our return trip to that amazing place. In between I have changed, by my own choice, much in my life. This is not the first time in my life I have felt like the last person in the line in a game of whip. This memory is from my grammar school days at the Whitman School in Brockton, MA. The game starts innocently enough by forming a line of kids all holding hands. The leader starts running with the line snaking behind. When the leader stops the line swings in an arch. Whoever is the last person is moved at speeds usually beyond their ability. Any sense of control is gone. I have moved from a house I had lived in for more than thirty years, changed my viewpoint of my business that I have carried for over forty years and updated a sense of self that is older than both the previous attitudes.
Here are RoseAnn and I in the Ballot Room at Dixville Notch, NH, the first reporting precinct in the nation. The wall is full of mostly black and white photos of political dignitaries. The Balsams in general has an historic feel to it but this room feels like the hub of all that.
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